Ripcord Dev Logo Ripcord Development — Changes To Changelog Login or Create Account

Changes to "Changelog" between 2019-01-23 08:25:47 and 2019-01-23 08:28:05

    14     14   - Slack: added "Cancel", "Resend", and "Copy to Clipboard" right-click menu items on sent messages which failed
    15     15   - Slack: added Event Log messages for various connection and session events related to Slack sessions
    16     16   - Slack: fixed clicking on a message notification from a Slack thread opening the main channel of that thread instead of the thread itself
    17     17   - Slack: fixed viewing a Slack thread in a tab not automatically clearing notifications that originated from that thread
    18     18   - Slack: fixed deleted/deactivated user accounts showing up in the @ user completion popup, and also in the bot message action/dialog user pickers
    19     19   - Mac: added dock icon badge number for notifications
    20     20   - Mac: fixed clicking on a Slack Notification Center notification not creating a new window if there are no Ripcord windows
    21         -- Mac: fixed cases where the "Quit Ripcord" menu action could become disabled due to window state transition issues in Qt
           21  +- Mac: fixed cases where the "Quit Ripcord" menu action could become disabled due to window state transition issues in popup/floating windows
    22     22   
    23     23   Ripcord version 0.3.8 (2019-1-13)
    24     24   ---------------------------------
    25     25   - Updated Qt version to 5.9.7 (see note at bottom for more information)
    26     26   - Changed the system tray/menu bar icon graphic
    27     27   - Changed the labels and names of several things in Preferences to make them easier to understand
    28     28   - Added a separate tab for Discord-specific settings in the Preferences window, and moved the relevent settings to there