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Ticket UUID: f3ff06f2e2ad4549c972d522f6e7091eb2d3de6c
Title: When writing chat messages, is there no spellcheck?
Status: Open Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Minor Priority: Low
Subsystem: General Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2019-11-07 10:36:03
Version Found In:
octogonz2019-11-07 00:53:32(text/markdown)
When writing a chat message in the real Slack, if you misspell a word, it is underlined in red.  Ripcord seems to be missing this feature. (?)
cancel2019-11-07 10:36:03(text/markdown)
That's correct. Spellcheck is not yet implemented. Which language did you want it for? Which OS are you on?