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Ticket UUID: bc1b3718798064c7c7e6f8adc79542eee7567516
Title: Slack thread unread count bubble
Status: Fixed Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Minor Priority: Low
Subsystem: Slack Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2019-09-14 05:05:01
Version Found In: 0.4.12
lexy2019-08-13 07:52:40(text/markdown)
Hi team,

If I get a thread reply, I get a Windows Action Center notification, and Ripcord's icon flashes in the taskbar. However, if I don't click the message when it's floating but rather open Ripcord to see unread, I don't know which thread received a reply.

Regular channel messages show a bubble with the number of unread messages next to the channel entry in the list. I can scroll all the channels and selectively click on those that I missed. 

However, thread replies don't get those bubbles, and I have to scroll the global notifications window to find where I got a reply.

Is it possible to show the unread bubbles for thread replies in the channels? Or, better, next to the messages within the channels, and so that clicks on the channel with the unread thread replies moves you to this message with the unread replies count?

The official Slack client has an additional __Threads__ channel where you can see which threads you got replies on.

Any solution that doesn't make me scroll the __Notifications__ window to the bottom is fine.
lexy2019-08-30 10:52:51(text/markdown)
I found the __Threads__ section. The problem there is some weird sorting of threads. Not by last update descending but by thread creation ascending. Very hard to find last replies.
cancel2019-09-14 05:04:42(text/markdown)
This is partially fixed -- the "Threads" view in Ripcord is now much more useful and has all of the features you need to keep track of threads. However, there's still a couple more features I'd like to add, such as showing unread counters on the actual "go to thread" links in regular chat message logs, so I'll leave this ticket open.