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Ticket UUID: b36e13636d2b3b0c7b73a800aac6d3668e1e2fd2
Title: Add preference to not show unread message count for selected item when window is not focused
Status: Open Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Minor Priority: Low
Subsystem: General Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2019-11-08 12:43:33
Version Found In: 0.4.10
edroche2019-07-25 14:50:45(text/markdown)
Ripcord currently shows an unread message count if you have a user/channel selected and the Ripcord window does not have focus. It would be nice to have a preference to prevent this, as this is a common use-case for chat programs.

Also, when you refocus the window by clicking on another user/channel the unread marker stays on the previously selected channel.
cancel2019-07-25 16:15:29(text/markdown)
That first feature is a good idea. I will add that.

The second thing you pointed out is intentional -- sometimes you want to switch back and you have several things unread that you need to look at, but you need to start with one that isn't in the foreground. In that case, having it cleared just because it was in the foreground before is bad. (Most chat programs get this *wrong*.)
cancel2019-09-17 07:43:22(text/markdown)
I'm looking to implement this now, but I can't find any precedent. How are minimized windows supposed to behave with this option enabled? What if there are multiple Ripcord windows open, and one of them is active?
edroche2019-11-08 12:43:33(text/markdown)
I was basing it off of the way HexChat handles a selected channel/query when the HexChat window doesn't have focus. I tested minimizing the window and it continued to function in the same way. I am not sure how Ripcord would handle multiple windows, I only use a single Ripcord window.