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Ticket UUID: a97925ad9c5f91bda2c4e2b8187ec24968f33a7f
Title: (False title, edited)
Status: Closed Type: Bug
Severity: Minor Priority: Low
Subsystem: Linux Resolution: Rejected
Last Modified: 2020-07-16 19:07:53
Version Found In: 0.4.26
carbolymer2020-07-16 07:31:33(text/markdown)
In general I'm trying to start ripcord minimized to tray. To do so I'm using the following script:


_Stay running in system tray_ checked

**Actual result:**

`xdotool windowclose` and `xdotool key` do not work

**Expected result:**

wmctrl and xdotool allow to close ripcord window, and it can be re-opened again from tray
cancel2020-07-16 19:06:43(text/markdown)
These are scripts, using external tools that aren't related to Ripcord, that you wrote. This isn't about Ripcord. I'm not responsible for scripts that *you* wrote or whatever other software you're using.

I'm editing the false title you wrote so that it doesn't show up when searching.
cancel2020-07-16 19:07:53(text/markdown)
If you want help with tinkering with Linux stuff or productivity automation, go to the Slack or Discord instance or something. It says *right on the new ticket page* that this issue tracker isn't a support form.