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Ticket UUID: a60cedc90aedcea3c315cf51c693dd2d4dcbcf52
Title: Support live video streams
Status: Closed Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Minor Priority: Low
Subsystem: Discord Resolution: Rejected
Last Modified: 2020-03-22 13:13:45
Version Found In: 0.4.24
silverbacknet2020-03-22 05:13:40(text/markdown)
Discord's Go Live streaming feature is the main one I'm interested in, though video calls would also be useful.

Obviously, this is a monumental task, even one-platform video is hard, let alone cross-platform, so I'm not expecting anything finished right away, more of a holding ticket for the feature. But I think Ripcord could do a much better job than the OG, especially if there was a way to dock a call/stream while in other channels.
cancel2020-03-22 13:13:34(text/markdown)
I'm unlikely to do this. From here:

"Supporting video calls requires using codecs which dramatically increase bloat and attack surface"

It really increases the complexity of the software (not to mention the download size). It would be a many-months thing to implement this, and come with a bunch of tradeoffs that would necessarily make other parts of the software worse, forever.

I realize lots of people want this, but your best bet is to just open up the official client or a browser tab for when you need this. Ripcord is meant to be relatively lightweight and nonintrusive -- neither of which are possible if it has to deal with video codecs.