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Ticket UUID: a3d4e8d3c029f9f8129c2c70f4628c98688911e9
Title: Regular freeze-ups
Status: Closed Type: Bug
Severity: Minor Priority: Low
Subsystem: General Resolution: Rejected
Last Modified: 2019-09-21 14:54:51
Version Found In: 0.4.5
imjustsomeguy2019-09-19 04:38:59(text/markdown)
The GUI regularly freezes up with no apparent logic or pattern, usually at least some 10 seconds or so, but sometimes it just stays frozen and I have to quit after a minute or so and restart. It might be a problem with some timed-out connections, I dunno, my internet is pretty bad and sometimes connections will just close without warning.
cancel2019-09-19 08:45:47(text/markdown)
What OS? Can you update to a newer version? The version you listed as using is several months old.
cancel2019-09-19 11:21:03(text/markdown)
Also, what service are you using it with? Can you tell me more about your computer? (This shouldn't be happening unless something is wrong with your PC, e.g. the hard drive becomes unresponsive for several seconds at a time)
imjustsomeguy2019-09-21 02:59:58(text/markdown)
Windows 7 64 bit Ultimate, maybe a month back on Windows updates.

Discord. Well, my PC is extremely slow and uses the pagefile a great lot, however no other software has these freeze ups, so it has to be a bug in my opinion. Even Firefox with 30 active tabs doesn't act like this, and that's stretching the capabilities of this slow machine.

It's a shuttle PC with a G2130 CPU. And I use a public hotspot for internet (no other option atm). So connections can get randomly interrupted etc.

The funny part is that I used to get similar freeze ups with the original Discord app, which is about the only other software that ever did that.

I'm just a programming noob myself but I would wager that there are some network calls or something that need to be run in another thread (async or something?) to keep the GUI fluid and not block the entire GUI when some request fails or gets stuck and then maybe the freeze just means it's waiting for the request to move forward until it reaches a timeout.

Hard drive ... it's possible, however again, no other software does this and my hard drive issues really aren't this big and during those freezes I have no problems accessing any of my drives and writing/reading files on them. And Ripcord is hardly hard-drive intensive, judging from the I/O stats in Process Manager. I don't believe that's the culprit for that reason.
cancel2019-09-21 06:00:37(text/markdown)
> Discord. Well, my PC is extremely slow and uses the pagefile a great lot, however no other software has these freeze ups, so it has to be a bug in my opinion. Even Firefox with 30 active tabs doesn't act like this, and that's stretching the capabilities of this slow machine.

Ripcord isn't the same software as Firefox. It has different functionality requirements and goals. Ripcord streams data on and off of your hard drive while the program is running to keep its memory footprint low. If other programs have used up all of your memory and are also occupying all of your hard disk IO, then Ripcord will be starved and will run more slowly. Ripcord doesn't ask for elevated priority for scheduling or IO usage, unlike many other programs.

It doesn't ask very much of your hard drive. But it will require that it not stop responding to IO requests for more than 4 or 5 seconds at a time. I don't think this is unreasonable, but I've seen cases where people are trying to run software with their PC's storage nearly filled up with 100% IO utilization at all times. Under these circumstances, yes, Ripcord will behave badly. I don't think there's much I can do about that.

> I'm just a programming noob myself but I would wager that there are some network calls or something that need to be run in another thread (async or something?) to keep the GUI fluid and not block the entire GUI when some request fails or gets stuck and then maybe the freeze just means it's waiting for the request to move forward until it reaches a timeout.

Ripcord is fully multi-threaded and does not block the UI on network requests or tasks that are expected to take longer than a few hundred microseconds. This includes things like all image loading/decoding/scaling/processing, all network usage, most disk usage, etc. You can save yourself some embarrassment by not trying to give me programming suggestions.

> Hard drive ... it's possible, however again, no other software does this and my hard drive issues really aren't this big and during those freezes I have no problems accessing any of my drives and writing/reading files on them. And Ripcord is hardly hard-drive intensive, judging from the I/O stats in Process Manager. I don't believe that's the culprit for that reason.

Ripcord relies on your hard drive functioning correctly. If it is completely starved for access to IO then eventually the program will have to stop and wait in order to prevent buffering and memory usage from running out of control. Ripcord will function just fine on a computers running off of slow SD cards -- but the device needs to not be completely bottlenecked by other processes.
imjustsomeguy2019-09-21 11:16:38(text/markdown)
Holy shit, what an arrogant cunt you are. How am I embarrassing myself when I outright say that I'm a programming noob? Have some fucking humility, fucking hell.

Fine, refuse to fix your fucking software so that it can deliver baseline functionality.

I told you my hard drive is still fully accessible when this stuff happens.

How am I embarrassing myself when you're the one who can't code a piece of lightweight software that won't regularly freeze up for minutes even though I'm running it off an SSD that is accessible just fine DURING THE FREEZE UP?

I get that you're providing it for free, but I would even pay the $30 you want to eventually be asking for it if it wasn't as broken as it is. Right now, I just can't use it at all because it's either frozen up or disconnected half the time. 

Of course my internet and computer aren't the best and I know that, but yours is the only software I regularly use that behaves this way. 

You can save yourself some embarrassment by not trying to defend the faults of your software with clearly bullshit reasons. This is the third time you ignore or deflect valid criticism and refuse to implement reasonable fixes that are concerned with nothing more but baseline functionality. And on top of that you then insult me for no reason. Who the fuck do you think you are?

Thanks for letting me know I'm wasting my time giving actual reasonable and usually simple to implement suggestions for your program. If you made it open source, I bet I could probably fix those things myself within a few hours or days, DESPITE being a noob.

At this point even the bloated shitty normal Discord client is a better choice than your broken piece of software.

Have fun trying to get people to pay for your software if you keep treating your end users like this and can't deliver the most basic bugfixes in a timeframe of many months.
cancel2019-09-21 14:54:51(text/markdown)
Sorry your PC is busted. You might want to work on those anger issues, too.