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Ticket UUID: a3794f41aebfd8102acc39ececdb474738f9ce34
Title: macOS: Dock icon should bounce only once when receiving notifications
Status: Open Type: Bug
Severity: Minor Priority: Low
Subsystem: Mac Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2020-03-18 04:12:18
Version Found In: 0.4.19
buzzert2020-03-17 19:24:03(text/markdown)
Ripcord has a setting on macOS called "Bounce dock icon for notifications". When this is enabled and a notification is received, the dock icon bounces indefinitely which is very annoying.

Instead, if this setting is enabled, the dock icon should do what other chat apps do and just bounce the dock icon one time. There is an AppKit API for doing this, although I'm not sure how Qt abstracts that.
cancel2020-03-18 04:12:18(text/markdown)
Qt doesn't offer any options for that, so I'd have to do it manually. I guess it's probably not too hard.