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Ticket UUID: 9532b6560e5497e9dcdc124f4e0d8100ec4ac5e2
Title: "Show when users are typing" possible bug
Status: Closed Type: Bug
Severity: Minor Priority: Low
Subsystem: Discord Resolution: Duplicate
Last Modified: 2019-10-06 11:04:55
Version Found In: 0.4.17
the3xyzaffair2019-10-03 07:02:47(text/markdown)
The feature "Show when users are typing" is not showing up for me. Is this a common problem? Is there a solution?
cancel2019-10-04 01:52:30(text/markdown)
Which service?
the3xyzaffair2019-10-04 02:13:33(text/markdown)
Discord. I asked a friend who also uses Ripcord and he doesn’t have a problem with this feature
cancel2019-10-04 10:46:13(text/markdown)
You don't see the option in preferences? Or it's not working?
the3xyzaffair2019-10-04 10:49:23(text/markdown)
The option is there, but the feature isn’t working for me.
cancel2019-10-05 06:58:01(text/markdown)
It's possible that it doesn't work correctly in Discord guilds/servers with more than 4000 people in them. Do you know if that's the case here?
the3xyzaffair2019-10-05 10:42:52(text/markdown)
Yes I dont see typing notifications on my main server with 4000+ people. However I don’t recall seeing any on smaller servers either. Even if this is the problem, why can my friend see the notifications on the same large server when I can’t?
cancel2019-10-06 11:04:55(text/markdown)
Complicated reasons. See this ticket: [4111938c90](tktview?name=4111938c90)

For smaller guilds/servers, it's likely because Discord has been having trouble with typing status stuff for the last couple of days.