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Ticket UUID: 8b9656909921e7889438a806e681c93dffeb44ff
Title: Use newer method of synchronizing user list in Discord
Status: Open Type: Feature_Request
Severity: Minor Priority: Low
Subsystem: Discord Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2020-06-22 09:04:44
Version Found In: 0.3.3
tmad40blue2019-05-04 15:06:55(text/markdown)
At the moment, Ripcord sorts the Discord user list by account ID number. It uses "the old method" of obtaining the user list, which causes the Discord server to send the complete list of users every time.

In order to be able to sort the user list in the sidebar by anything else, Ripcord would need to switch to "the new method", which only streams users that are visible in the client from the server. Unfortunately this is incompatible with having more than one window or tab open at once, so Ripcord would need to be redesigned in order to accommodate this.
cancel2019-11-17 21:08:12(text/markdown)
Changing to use the new method will cause the user list to correctly show which users actually have access to any given channel. But it will also prevent custom filtering and sorting, because the server handles all of that logic.
cancel2020-06-22 09:04:44(text/markdown)
I guess I should point out this is half-implemented -- user data is synchronized using the new system, but the full user list is not scrollable using it. Only the few hundred first users.