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Ticket UUID: 8b2f359d9f497902a7207ea1ced0add45ff897c6
Title: Accounts tab always opens on start up
Status: Closed Type: Bug
Severity: Minor Priority: Low
Subsystem: General Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2020-06-01 14:15:36
Version Found In: Mac 0.4.8
diseage2019-07-12 02:30:21(text/markdown)
upon start up of ripcord the accounts page opens in a new tab. configuring the various tab options such as enabling or disabling redundant tabs and restore tabs from last session does not disable this behavior.
diseage2019-07-12 02:31:06(text/markdown)
adding the tab also takes focus.
cancel2020-05-22 04:33:23(text/markdown)
Added an option for this in 0.4.25