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Ticket UUID: 8628b1f294dd88709e77ed76349c9c93e5c603d5
Title: Jumping to a channel from a notification does not scroll to the specific message
Status: Open Type: Bug
Severity: Minor Priority: Low
Subsystem: Discord Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2019-10-07 23:03:04
Version Found In: 0.4.3
ninjanomnom2019-05-18 23:23:03(text/markdown)
Notifications only open the channel they were in and don't scroll to the message the notification came from. This makes it very painful to read if the chat has moved on since the notification arrived.

I'm not sure if this is a bug or feature request, sorry if I got that wrong.
cancel2019-07-04 18:01:31(text/markdown)
Updating title to be more accurate
sudocurse2019-10-07 23:03:04(text/markdown)
This is a slack issue too, not sure if you want to change the subsystem field