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Ticket UUID: 710fc109d3c88f915d80d2a4bb3bbcade285f10d
Title: 'playing ____ ' erases the test as soon as you click on the setting again
Status: Closed Type: Bug
Severity: Minor Priority: Low
Subsystem: Discord Resolution: Unable_To_Reproduce
Last Modified: 2020-03-23 11:15:11
Version Found In: 4.23
rocketvole2020-02-18 19:09:47(text/markdown)
it's nice that you can set playing custom games, but whenever you try to input it, you have to press the enter key (The 'OK' button doesn't work) . Also, attempting to change the title of the game erases everything in the field, and forces you to retype the entire thing.
cancel2020-02-18 20:33:37(text/markdown)
I just tried this myself, and none of what you said is true for me. Clicking the OK button works, and opening the dialog to set the game name doesn't clear the old game name. Is something else going on with your computer? Or are you talking about some other feature?
rocketvole2020-03-22 21:30:41(text/markdown)
You're right. I think it was a computer thing. Feel free to close this bug
cancel2020-03-23 11:15:11(text/markdown)
OK. Sorry about that :) Let me know if it happens again.