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Ticket UUID: 6f4c251069fac8e91f4e2bebe1e370d46435c76d
Title: Slack: custom emojis with non-ASCII names aren't displayed
Status: Open Type: Bug
Severity: Minor Priority: Low
Subsystem: Slack Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2019-11-07 10:35:22
Version Found In: 0.4.19
cvtsi2sd2019-11-07 09:01:39

On a Slack workspace where there are custom emojis with non-ASCII characters (in my case: :giàfatto:, :èinaccettabile:), they are displayed correctly:

  • in the emoji/reaction picker (filter and selection work fine)
  • in the emoji completion dropdown (prefix filtering works fine)

but not

  • in the message body (they remain unexpanded)
  • in the reaction "button/count" itself (the button is displayed with the reaction count, but instead of the image the first characters of the emoji name are displayed)
cancel2019-11-07 10:35:22

Thanks, I will fix this.