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Ticket UUID: 6702b291e90275986d3176a98fbdc9323aef1b3f
Title: Channel does not appear on "Channels" also unable to join it
Status: Closed Type: Bug
Severity: Important Priority: Low
Subsystem: Slack Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2019-07-10 23:49:45
Version Found In: 0.4.6
mindo2019-07-03 10:53:29(text/markdown)
I have one channel which does not appear on Channels list for some reason, I am able to access it only when where is new messages via Notifications.

Also I tried joining the channel using Workspace->Channels and then Join Channel it did not work. In app log these lines appear:

`2019-07-03 13:40:42.649	Debug	Networking:	[Slack 7626] Starting HTTP request - JoinChan - conversations.join` 
`2019-07-03 13:40:43.212	Debug	Networking:	[Slack 7626] HTTP request finished - JoinChan - time elapsed: 552 ms`
`2019-07-03 13:40:43.212	Info	Networking:	[Slack 7626] Server reply to an HTTP operation indicated failure. Type: JoinChan Local ID: 1 Error message from server: "method_not_supported_for_channel_type"`
cancel2019-07-03 11:19:24(text/markdown)
Is there anything special about this channel?
mindo2019-07-03 11:45:27(text/markdown)
Do not see anything special about it. Is there a way to get more details, maybe using web slack with browser inspector or smth ?
cancel2019-07-04 18:02:46(text/markdown)
Exchanged emails with user and was unable to reproduce after restarting. This may be related to Slack's feature of being able to "upgrade" a group DM to a public channel. Ripcord doesn't yet handle this event, and needs to disconnect/reconnect from the Slack workspace to repopulate the data correctly. Hopefully I'll be able to add support for this soon.
cancel2019-07-06 00:21:09(text/markdown)
Confirmed the cause of the problem and spend some time adding support for the set of events necessary to recognize and handle group DMs being converted into normal channels. Also added more fixes/enhancements for group DM support. This will be in the next release (0.4.8).
cancel2019-07-10 23:49:45(text/markdown)
Should be fixed now. Please reply again or open a new ticket if you encounter similar problems.