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Ticket UUID: 57cf075094d981236057ddde44d760410525b287
Title: Scrolling overflow
Status: Open Type: Bug
Severity: Minor Priority: Low
Subsystem: Linux Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2019-10-10 20:35:13
Version Found In: 0.4.18
ShayBox2019-10-08 01:51:34

I have an MX Master mouse, which has a free spinning scroll wheel, when the window is not active (clicked off), but hovering over it, and scrolling fast, it will scroll in reverse until the scrolling becomes slow enough then goes the right way, I assume there's some overflow going on, but this only happens when the window is not active.

cancel2019-10-08 03:43:16

Wow, interesting. I think this must be a Qt bug. Do you have any other Qt software you could test this with?

ShayBox2019-10-08 12:50:03

I use a lot of qt and gtk software, I've never had this happen, though it seems weird that it's only this program

cancel2019-10-09 04:18:53

This is on Linux, right? It might be because Ripcord is using the Qt libraries that are bundled in the AppImage, and the ones on the rest of your system are patched to fix that problem.

ShayBox2019-10-09 12:41:50

Yes, Archlinux,

cancel2019-10-09 16:14:57

There's an AUR wiki page on Ripcord. At the bottom, there's a guide to using system Qt libs etc. with Ripcord, instead of the bundled AppImage ones. Could you try that out and see if the problem goes away? That would indicate it's a patched bug in Qt.

ShayBox2019-10-10 19:43:33

Yes, using system libs fixed it, so I guess the solution is to update the appimage deps

cancel2019-10-10 20:35:13

Ok, thanks! I'm planning on doing it soon.