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Ticket UUID: 1eb9aa9603ef8c38b0b509f84535c807c8302b1b
Title: Reaction popups stay on top
Status: Open Type: Bug
Severity: Minor Priority: Low
Subsystem: Slack Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2020-03-19 19:48:54
Version Found In: 0.4.23
lexy2020-02-25 16:27:40(text/markdown)
If I hover over a reaction to a Slack message, it shows me a small popup with the reaction code and IDs of people who reacted to this message.

The thing is, if I Alt-Tab to another window, be it mail client, browser, or anything else at all, this small popup window stays on top of that other window and all windows until I switch back to Ripcord.

[Screenshot here](
cancel2020-03-03 09:56:11(text/markdown)
Thanks for reporting. Fixed in next update.
lexy2020-03-19 19:48:54(text/markdown)
Sorry about reopening the ticket.

I see this issue less often now, but sometimes the reaction popup still stays on top even if you're in another application.