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Ticket UUID: 072eb910f7b666712181d1197ea75670d08eff13
Title: Duplicate notifications within enterprise grid
Status: Closed Type: Bug
Severity: Minor Priority: Low
Subsystem: Slack Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2020-06-21 05:29:14
Version Found In: 0.4.3
lexy2019-05-02 11:29:20(text/markdown)
As Ripcord does not directly support enterprise grids yet, I had to add all my corporate workspaces into it separately.

Here comes the problem: when I get a direct message or a message in a shared channel, I get notifications about it for each workspace that I connected. And when in reality I received, say, 1 message from 1 user, I get, say, 8 notifications for each message.
cancel2019-05-02 22:57:25(text/markdown)
That's interesting! I have no way to test with enterprise grids like that, though. I'm not sure what to do about it.
lexy2019-05-04 18:26:04(text/markdown)
Could you think of a workaround, i.e., an option to suppress notifications that are identical in everything but team_id?
cancel2020-06-11 18:58:32(text/markdown)
Yes :) Fixed in next version